Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter Sunday!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter.  We started the day off by going to church.  The service was amazing!  Afterwards, Connor and I went to grandma and papa's house for the day.  The weather was absolutely horrible today.  It was cold and breezy.  YUCK!  It was a nice overcast which is great for taking pictures but, I was so disappointed that  Connor had to wear a jacket and hat for Easter.  They look like winter pictures.  You can't even see his cute Easter outfit.  Josh and I are supposed to have an Easter egg later this week (since he had to work) and I am hoping the weather will be better so I can get some shots in his Easter clothes.  Josh is turning 30 on Thursday!  Don't tell him I told you. :)  I hope everyone had a great day.  Love you all!